Toggles 'Maximum Screen' mode on or off. Marks or Unmarks the current image. Marked images are displayed in the mark menu for quick access. } }; /* [%d] */ %d, %d, %d, resource 'clut' (128, "Colours for %P", preload) { { /* array ColorSpec: 256 elements */ %d Save GIF as: Error saving GIF '%P' (%e) %T %D Sorry, cannot continue: %e Open '%P' Open directory Select the name of the image you would like to view and click GO! Typing a letter or number assigns a keyboard equivalent to the selected image. Close the Go To window. Do not change the current image. Click here scroll to the selected image. Auto Shuffle Displays images in random order using a 15 second interval. Fit to Window Scales the image so it fits inside the window. Flip Horizontal Flips the image Horizontally. Flip Vertical Flips the image vertically. Rotate Left Rotates the image to the left. Rotate Right Rotates the image to the right. %P '%c' %P I had a problem printing the order form (%e). Please try again. Error reading '%P' %e I could not copy that image: %e BigPicture doesn't rotate/flip 1 and 4 bit images. That's as tiny as it gets! Any smaller than that, and there just won't be any picture left! That's as big as it gets! Now is that big? or is that BIG? I couldn't read the image set '%P': newer version of program needed. I couldn't read the image set '%P': %e Save set as: Image Number Displays the number of the current image. Clicking here opens the Go To window. %d of %d Available volumes: %H Forget image Removes the image from the window and from memory. Scroll down Scrolls the image downwards. Scroll up Scrolls the image upwards. Scroll left Scrolls the image to the left. Scroll right Scrolls the image to the right. Normal Image Returns the view of the image back to it's original. 3D effect Far to complex to be explained hereā€¦ Zoom Out Clicking here will zoom the image to half it's shown size. Zoom In Clicking here will zoom the image to twice it's shown size. If you click on the picture, the point where you click will be centered in the window. Scroll Bar Use the scroll bar to switch between images. Holding the option key while clicking makes the arrows work backwards. Width X Height X Depth, bytes. Click here to see the colours being used to display the image. %d X %d X %d, %dk Mark '%P' UnMark '%P' Mark The file '%P' (type: %t, creator: %t) does not appear contain PICT or GIF data. Sorry, I couldn't do that: %e Files processed: %d Processing: %d/%d Big Picture %P %P BigPicture prefs